The Game of Numbers

Dammy Ajibike
3 min readSep 15, 2022


Warning: Random rant ahead.

I have worked professionally in tech for almost three years now and I recently discovered what I think is called The Game of Numbers. Although it applies to practically all aspects of life — dating, sales, grades, and even job search is all a numbers game.

As I’ve grown in my capacity as a product/visual designer over the last six years, one thing I’ve looked out for is taking on new challenges. I always have to feel appreciated in my role, or the rush of thinking or coming up with new solutions. When a workplace doesn’t offer that anymore, I somehow try to find new challenges within the role or simply go somewhere else to take on a new challenge. Truth be told, I want to live a better life too. Inflation is choking me and there are responsibilities to take care of.

I have been applying for jobs and have gotten several rejections. Some are based on location bias, experience not aligning with what industry the company relates with and others are not defined. You might know how obscure these rejection emails can be. Some companies don’t even respond at all.

Even if your resume, pitch, and communications skills are stellar and your background is in demand, you may still be in for a long job search. Many opportunities simply won’t pan out through no fault of your own; budgets, priorities, and hiring managers can change unexpectedly. — Forbes

The numbers game comes to play in the application stage. I’m postulating that “for every 100 rejection emails, there should be 1 acceptance email”. While I have polished my portfolio to a point of international standard and made LinkedIn my best friend, there’s still the factor of my work relating to the needs of the company hiring at that point and experience too. I want to design digital products that are customer-focused and user-centric.

Also, I have been particularly looking out for remote and relocation-based product design and UI/UX roles. This is another factor that influences the game of numbers. I’m yet to cross 300 applications, but I’ve interviewed in a few places. One needed me to be living already in the country (like why initiate an interview if you didn’t check for my location), and another design agency needed me to be more streamlined in one design skill. Again, the game of numbers is influenced by company factors.

So what is the way forward? My friend Tunji will say to apply more consistently. Eventually, I’d find a full-time role for which I am exactly what they are looking for. I’m holding out for this while tracking my progress and noting ways to be better. I want to bring quality to the table.

I have three tiers in mind for companies I want to work for. The first tier are companies I’d be over-the-moon to work for, the second tier is companies my interests align with and the third tier companies are those that might be nice to work for but a rejection from them won’t sting. While Meta or Spotify may not call me tomorrow to interview, I’m eager to become part of a team building something cool and solving interesting impactful problems for users.

In the end, man proposes and the universe just tosses what it feels like in our direction. If you need to know more about my work background, find me on LinkedIn.


August 12. 12:12pm.

